I made it! In 7 days I lost 10lbs and 5.25 inches!
I feel great and I am ready for the next step in Transitioning Lifestyle System. I know I may gain some weight back because I will be exercising, and lifting so I will start turning some of the fat into muscle and muscle weighs more than fat.
Before breakfast: warm lemon water
breakfast: bowl of mixed fruit from fruit salad, herbal tea
snacks: raw red pepper and raw summer squash and 1 cutie
Lunch: left over salad from yesterday with 2 blanched asparagus.
Dinner: the last of my home made vegetable soup and I snuck 4 triscuits.
Weight 150
neck 13.5
chest 39.5
waist 33
belly 38
hips 40
r. thigh 23.75
r. calf 14.5
r. biceps 12.5 /flexed 12.5
liquid intake: 60 oz of water 10 oz of herbal tea
Exercise: 1.5 mile walk with my dog and 20 mins. pilates
****If you would like to post a comment and you do not have a google account you can e-mail me and I will post it for you. My e-mail allaboutunow2010@gmail.com