The products I took on a daily basis was OPC Beauty blend, OPC multi vitamin without iron, CLA
Products I took occasionally FCI, and CAI I used these when I knew if I was going to have a lot of carbs in my meal or a lot of fats(like french fries and pizza)
Nov 14 DAY 37
oatmeal with blue berries and walnuts, coffee, 1 slice of roast beef, cheese and 5 triscuits, yellow pepper, home made crab soup, 5 triscuits, 1 slice of home made pumpkin pie(made with my two pumpkins that I grew)1 T of with home made whipped cream mmmm good.
64+ oz water
Exercise: 30 body toning(increased weight for legs and back to 35lbs for 3.5 min), 10 dancing ab work out, 12 min pilate cool down stretches, 30 min walk while talking, 1 mile walk with hubby.
Nov15 DAY 38
Went to Ocean City to see the sunrise with my hubby and then to a little dinner for breakfast: western omelet, 1/4 C home fries,1/4 piece of whole wheat toast, 3 cups of coffee,home made crab soup with 5 triscuits ,grilled NY strip Steak,salad(spinach green, baby greens, scallions, red and yellow peppers, zucchini, tomatoes, celery, asparagus), blanched asparagus and sweet potatoes. 64+ oz water
Exercise: 20 min walk on beach, 2 one mile walks with hubby
Nov 16 DAY 39
scrambled eggs herbal tea, home made pumpkin pie with real whip cream,1 C Great value energy trail mix for snacks, turkey sausage with peppers and onions, 6 home made oatmeal cookies(I made 3 different kinds so I had to taste them all to see which ones I liked best, and the ones with dark choc chips, coconut, raisins, and nuts were I think the best tasting.) 64+ oz water
Exercise: 1 mile walk with hubby 69 min walk while talking on the phone
Nov17 DAY 40
2 oatmeal cookies, 1 C choc mint coffee with 1/2 &1/2, yogurt and pineapple chunks, lg salad(spinach green, baby greens, scallions, red and yellow peppers, zucchini, tomatoes, celery, asparagus), home made turkey spaghetti with 3 small pieces of garlic bread, 1 fistfull of noodles. 1 C Great value energy trail mix for snacks, 64+ oz water
Exercise: 30 body toning, 10 dancing ab work out, 12 min pilate cool down stretches, 30 min walk while talking,
Nov 18 DAY 41
1 C yogurt with pineapple chunks, mocha tonix, 6 oatmeal cookies,spaghetti no bread, Mc D side salad with grilled chicken patty. 2C Great value energy trail mix for snacks
Exercise: 30 push ups(10 m, 20 fm),4 min of different ab exercises
Nov 19 DAY 42
started off good than down hill.
yogurt with pineapple chunks 2 c of coffee, 4 oatmeal cookies, 1/2 microwaved sweet potato with 1/2t butter
exercise: 30 body toning, 10 dancing ab work out, 8 min pilate cool down stretches
NO changes this week
Weight: 136
Neck: 12.75
upper chest 35;36
waist: 29.75
belly 33.75
hips 37.75
thigh 22
calf 14
biceps 10.75;12